If someone is trying to force you into getting nudes or your information, even if you known them in a previous time, that’s a nah, know your boundaries.
17 years
Not only online, but if you’re in a relationship where the person is constantly asking for things you don’t feel comfortable giving them (n*des, etc.) just drop them. Do not feel pressured or embarrassed.
14 years
Never share personal information and never show nudes because you don’t know if they will keep them safe and never let anyone on social media try to manipulate you into something you don’t want to do.
15 years
I am safe and surrounded by love and support.
I am more than my circumstances dictate.
I am listening and open to the messages the universe has to offer today.
I am in charge of how I feel and I choose to feel happy.
I am held and supported by those who love me.
I am growing and I am going at my own pace.
I am good and getting better.
I affirm and encourage others, as I do myself.
Every decision I make is supported by my whole and inarguable experience.
Changing my mind is a strength, not a weakness.
Asking for help is a sign of self-respect and self-awareness.
However, after years of practicing this theology of concealing my emotions from the outside world, things got darker.
16 years
The only caution is that at times like these it can be difficult to draw a line between whether the romanticization of a task is for yourself or for the sake of making your life appear more aesthetic online.
16 years
NoFiltr was such a transformative experience for me! It’s unique in how it empowers youth to advocate for digital safety, am issue that so often impacts youth the most. I am so grateful for networking, professional development, and internet safety education I have learned within this program.
18 years old
NoFiltr Youth Council is a chance to get to know others across the country that believe what you do- everyone deserves internet safety.
16 years old
Youth Innovation Council has really opened up my eyes on the realities of the digital world. I was able to educate myself as well as others by listening to presentations by professional companies and pitching feedback and ideas.
14 years old
This council has allowed me to grow as a creative thinker, public speaker, and person. The YIC was a space where I could make an impact even as a teenager, and seeing our feedback be implemented into the apps that I use every day was incredible and gave me hope for a future where everyone’s voice can be heard, no matter their age, gender, race, class or sexuality.
14 years old
NoFiltr has been a breath of fresh air. This class gave us the opportunity to venture out into the digital world on a deeper level and meet people we couldn’t imagine.
17 years of age
An amazing program with amazing people where experience with other companies comes to life! I learnt a lot, made new friends, and had a wonderful experience! Excited to see new ideas and new leaders!
15 years old
The YIC made me feel such hope for the future, not just because of the wonderful voices and ideas and brilliant people in it with me but because of the open ears of companies we spoke to. it made me feel more comfortable in a semi-professional setting and gave a face to all of these companies ruling our lives and the people behind the scenes.
16 years old
The Youth Council was a great experience that let me connect with experts across the industry and other youth that are all working towards making our online spaces safer.
16 years old
Coming out and just being queer in general is a very vulnerable and sensitive thing which can be used against you. keep your wits and stay cautious, always trust your gut.
14 years
You don’t always feel that you fit into a certain category and that’s okay!!! Find people that make you feel supported and don’t judge you for being you.
15 years
Ask friends/family if they know of any LGBTQ+ communities that are safe for someone your age.
16 years
Find some really trustworthy influencers online and then see where the rabbit hole takes you but be safe.
13 years
You don’t always feel that you fit into a certain category and that’s okay!!! Find people that make you feel supported and don’t judge you for being you.
15 years
Never share personal information online, even if y’all are besties. You can keep it vague and still make friends
17 years
Don’t EVER talk to complete strangers and always block someone if they started saying or doing inappropriate things.
That’s a very hard thing to go through but you can get yourself away from that person with the click of a button. There’s going to be pain and lasting affects involved but it’s better than allowing them to hurt you even more in the long run. And if you’re already out of the situation, I’m proud of you! You can learn from your experience and use it to help friends be more aware of online dangers.
Social media is a part of our life, it isn’t our whole life. Prioritize your health over your temporary happiness
A great lgbtq+ community would be Trevor space you’re able to ask questions and meet others going through something similar. It was really nice to be able to find other people going to through the same things being bi just like myself.
Ask for help if you need it, try not to listen to the negativity. There’s always going to be someone trying to bring you down, try not to listen. Try to remember you’re worthy. You’re loved. You’re cared for.
Creating a mental system where you know when you need a break from you devices, and acknowledging healthy screen times.
Finding people similar to you is important and helps you feel like you are wanted. Always listen to your body and do not have negative thoughts.
Ask friends/family if they know of any LGBTQ+ communities that are safe for someone your age.
If someone continues to cross boundaries online after you continually state that you don’t appreciate them crossing those boundaries, BLOCK THEM. Although it may be difficult at first it will be worth it.
Support victims, and encourage others to do the same.
If you need to, talk to an adult or a form of higher authority. your story is yours and you can tell people when you’re ready.
If they ask your for things you know you shouldn’t be doing or if they’re trying to convince of something and it takes you more than a couple thought to make sure it’s ok I’d say it’s a really big red flag.
Youth Speaker
If you need to, talk to an adult or a form of higher authority. Your story is yours and you can tell people when you’re ready.
Youth Speaker. 17
When you find yourself in such situations report and flee, so that others do not get roped in too, and remember that it’s never too late to speak up.
Youth Speaker, 15
NoFiltr was such a transformative experience for me! It’s unique in how it empowers youth to advocate for digital safety, an issue that so often impacts youth the most. I am so grateful for networking, professional development, and the internet safety education I have learned within this program.
She/Her, 17
New Jersey
Being part of the YIC was such an eye opening and empowering experience! I felt heard and became better at public speaking as a result!
He/Him, 17
Youth Innovation Council has really opened up my eyes on the realities of the digital world. I was able to educate myself as well as others by listening to presentations by professional companies and pitching feedback and ideas.
She/Her, 14
The NoFiltr Youth Innovation Council is important to me because I want to make sure all teens know that they are not alone in any situations. I think this program is important because it allows us to put out content for youth made youth. I think it’s easier to relate to content when you know it’s actually someone your age making the content.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure.
It’s not something to bury and forget about. I know the feelings they made you feel are awful but it is best to make sure the person faces consequences.
As a young teen myself I believe we are very easy to persuade and people will take advantage. I feel that in these situations we need to tell an adult as soon as possible. Also adults need to educate their kids on these situations that way they do know what to do.
17 years
Make sure that you know the people you are talking to and really make sure they give off a good vibe. If anything seems off with them (especially if you don’t know them) block them!
13 years
Take the time to go through your friends list, of you don’t recognize the name just remove them.
Tell someone you trust about the situation. It is a tough thing to go through alone, let alone dangerous. Especially since many of us are at a young age when we go through it, it’s wise to go through it with people older who can handle it with you.
Remember that it is not your fault. These are people who seek those they can manipulate. Now that you’ve seen the signs you may not only know how to avoid it again, but you can also help protect your friends when seeing similar signs happen to them.
My mom told me it wouldn’t be the end of the world if it did happen and we would get through it.
Ask for help if you need it, try not to listen to the negativity. There’s always going to be someone trying to bring you down, try not to listen. Remember you’re worthy. You’re loved. You’re cared for.
Social media and group chats are a really exciting and fun way to connect with people. Now on the internet we can make friends and find relationships at the click of a button. However, you should always be mindful about who you are talking to, and should try to watch out for any red flags.
If someone is trying to force you into getting nudes or your information, even if you known them in a previous time, that’s a nah, know your boundaries.
17 years
Not only online, but if you’re in a relationship where the person is constantly asking for things you don’t feel comfortable giving them (n*des, etc.) just drop them. Do not feel pressured or embarrassed.
14 years
Never share personal information and never show nudes because you don’t know if they will keep them safe and never let anyone on social media try to manipulate you into something you don’t want to do.
15 years
I am safe and surrounded by love and support.
I am more than my circumstances dictate.