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Online Grooming

Dear Diary: A Short Fiction About Online Grooming

What seems like sunshine and rainbows at first, can have darker clouds lurking behind. Between every friendly comment and DM, a darker side of the online space may lurk behind. Through this short story, Youth Innovation Council member Taniska illustrates just how fast the tables can turn. Let’s take a look at Sunny’s diary entries to…

What seems like sunshine and rainbows at first, can have darker clouds lurking behind. Between every friendly comment and DM, a darker side of the online space may lurk behind. Through this short story, Youth Innovation Council member Taniska illustrates just how fast the tables can turn.

Let’s take a look at Sunny’s diary entries to get a better idea of what happened. 

Entry 1:

Dear Diary, 

Omg. I made a new friend. Their name is Alex, and they sent me a DM on IG. I can’t even remember how they found me, but I’m glad they did. Living in a tiny town in Oklahoma, it’s not exactly easy to find other nonbinary people. Actually, it feels impossible. My family’s chill, but they don’t really get it. So talking to Alex is kind of a relief.

Entry 2:

Dear Diary,

Met my twin—well, more like my sib from another crib, bud from another blood? Hehe Alex and I spent three whole hours trying to make a gender-neutral version of “sister from another mister.” Anyway, who else do I know that collects lint balls of all things? Every time I say something about myself, they’re like, same or love that too.

Entry 3:

Dear Diary,

It’s been really nice to have someone care so much about who I am and the things I like. But sometimes I feel like Alex can be a little too curious? Is that even a thing? I mean, who asks for someone’s mom’s maiden name in casual convo? Lol.  Or when they asked about who I’ve told about my gender identity? I mean next thing you know they’re going to ask for my social security number. But seriously, it’s making me feel uncomfortable. But whatever, they’re probably just really interested in getting to know me.

Entry 4:

Dear Diary,

Today out of nowhere Alex started talking crap about my friends. I guess some things I told them about Amy and Clark really made them sensitive. I know that sometimes A and C don’t really get me the way Alex does, but it seems like an overreaction to stop talking to them completely. But what if Alex is right? What if they don’t really have my best interests in mind?

Entry 5:

Dear Diary

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I feel like I’m becoming tired of texting, somehow? I mean, I know it’s hard to believe but I do have a life outside my phone. When I texted Alex that I had to go to dance practice, they started freaking out, and threatened to block me. Every time I have to stop texting Alex for whatever reason, they start getting mad at me and accusing me of not caring about them. Is it my fault? Maybe I’m not spending enough time with them?

Entry 6:

Dear Diary,

So I watched this video on TikTok about stranger danger and I sent it over to Alex as a joke. They got weirdly defensive about it and now won’t text me back. I’m worried I hurt their feelings.

Entry 7:

Dear Diary,

EW. I could throw up, I am so mad. Alex isn’t 17 and nonbinary from Michigan… they’re a 56-year-old man. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! I only found out because turns out they–or I guess he–was bothering Amy under a different identity and profile. She told me about the weird texts she got and when we compared the texts, it became so clear that Alex was trying to do some shady stuff with both of us. I don’t even know what to say. Alex isn’t who I thought they were. Not even close. My stomach is in knots just thinking about it. I feel so stupid for trusting them, but also—how was I supposed to know?

While Sunny’s negative experience with the internet may seem to come out of the blue there were several warning signs that they overlooked, so let’s dive into a few.

  • It’s great to have things in common with your friends, however, it can be a sign of a predator. Oftentimes people use these similarities to gain your trust, if an online ‘friend’ seems to agree with almost everything you say, it may be time to ask them questions.
  • When your gut tells you that someone is being TOO curious, usually it’s because they are being unusually nosy. This could be a sign that they are trying to get personal information from you in order to isolate you and/or exploit you.
  • If they are exhibiting toxic behaviors such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, lying, or asking you to cut off your support system, they are most likely a creep trying to hurt you.

What can you do?

  • Ask More Questions Early On – Instead of just responding, try leading the conversation and see if their stories stay consistent. If someone seems too eager to agree with everything, that’s a flag.
  • Slow Down and Gut-Check – If someone online makes you feel super close super fast, take a step back. Friendships grow over time—real ones don’t feel too perfect.
  • Talk to Someone You Trust – If you start feeling unsure about an online friend, tell a real-life friend, sibling, or trusted adult. Saying it out loud can help you see the situation more clearly.

Remember, if you find yourself in a tricky situation like Sunny did, it’s not your fault and it’s never too late to ask for help.

Author: Taniska S.

2024-2025 Youth Innovation Council Member

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