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Digital Mindfulness

Determining Your Own Self-Worth

In an increasingly digital world, social media plays a significant role in our daily lives, offering a platform for seeking validation, especially among teenagers. However, relying solely on online validation can lead to a negative impact on mental health and well-being. It is essential to find self-worth beyond the approval of others online. Practicing affirmations and developing healthy habits can help minimize the need for online validation and nurture a positive self-image. Additionally, maintaining real-life connections and engaging in meaningful activities offline are vital for overall well-being in the digital age.

More and more, social media becomes prevalent in our daily lives. Because of that, seeking online validation has become common, especially in teenagers. Much like the evil queen in Snow White, once the mirror stopped validating her, she became very insecure. Likes, comments, and shares allow people to connect and seek approval from others. 

When someone likes your content, it can give you a sense of worth, recognition, and satisfaction. The need to post pictures or videos in order to gain validation from others can be damaging to one’s mental health and well-being. Thus, it is important to find your own self-worth beyond people online.

While seeking validation is not wrong, looking for others’ approval to feel self-assured, valued, and fulfilled is not good for your own well-being. Clinging to others’ approval can become your way of life, affecting your self-worth, mood, and mental health. 

While on social media, it is important to take breaks from seeking validation and set some new habits as an alternative. Try developing healthy habits in order to minimise the need to seek for online validation and develop your own self worth.

First, it is important to set boundaries and use social media responsibly. Be mindful about the content you share online and set boundaries with others online.

Instead of looking for validation of social media, you can look for affirmation on the inside. Practising affirmations is a great way to feed your subconscious positive statements that can help overcome negative self-talk. Instead of defaulting to validation from social media, try to start and end your days will statements like:

  • Asking for help is a sign of self-respect and self-awareness.
  • Changing my mind is a strength, not a weakness.
  • Every decision I make is supported by my whole and inarguable experience.
  • I affirm and encourage others, as I do myself.
  • I am good and getting better.
  • I am growing and I am going at my own pace.
  • I am held and supported by those who love me.
  • I am in charge of how I feel and I choose to feel happy.
  • I am listening and open to the messages the universe has to offer today.
  • I am loved and worthy.
  • I am more than my circumstances dictate.
  • I am safe and surrounded by love and support.

While being connected in Social media is important, especially in the growing digital age, it is imperative to stay connected with the real people in your life. Try to connect more with the people you love outside of social media. Have a conversation with your friends, play a game with your family, or simply go for a walk with your dog. It is important to step out of the social media bubble and to get some real life connections.

Author: Sabrina, 17
NoFiltr Youth Innovation Council Member, Digital Resource Expert

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